
Employment Application

An Equal Opportunity Employer
All applicants will be considered for employment without regard to race religion, color, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, medical condition or handicap, or any other status protected by law.

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Employment Desired

Are you available for any shift *


Are you available for work on weekends *


Are you available to work overtime, if necessary *


Personal Information

Have you applied to or worked for Grayson Lumber Company before? *


Do you have friends or relatives working for Grayson Lumber Company? *


If hired, do you have a reliable means of transportation to and from work *


Are you legally eligible for employment in the U.S.? *


Are you at least 18 years of age *


Are you currently employed *


May we contact your current employer? *


Education, Training, and Experience



Did you graduate


Did you graduate


Did you graduate

Military Service

Do you have any other experience, training, qualifications or skills which you feel make you especially suited for work at Grayson Lumber Company? If so, please explain below.


List below three persons not related to you, and who have knowledge of your work performance within the last three years.


Employment History

List below all present and past employment starting with your most recent employer. Account for all periods of unemployment. You must complete this section even if you attach a resume.

Previous Employment


Previous Employment



My checking of 'Applicants Agreement' certifies that all information in this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I understand that providing false, inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information will result in refusal of employment or termination of employment if discovered after date of hire. I acknowledge that the company will verify the accuracy and completeness of the information I have provided and I release each employer, school, or person I have named (or their representatives or agents) to provide information regarding my employment, education, character, and qualifications. I release all entities and individuals who provide information in accordance with this release from all liability for any damages that may result from furnishing information to the company. I understand that if I am employed, I must conform to the company’s rules and regulations and that my employment is “at will” which means that the company or I may terminate my employment at any time for any reason.